Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Keep Calm and...

To boost the moral of the British residents during World War deuce, there were 3 posters created in the event of an invasion.  The last of them read "Keep Calm and Carry On."  When I was in a shop and came across an adorable little plaque with this saying, I knew I had to get it tattooed on my body (after I did proper research of course).  Not only do I love the whole story behind it, but I find myself using it as a personal mantra in my own times of anxiety and frustration.  Much like Monsieur Bob Marley and his "Don't Worry, Be Happy," I think we can all take an example from great people who set the way and understand how we can 'learn' to be happy or carry on. 

I've always tried to be the positive person, the helpful friend, the compassionate soul.  We can't always fill these shoes, so when I accepted that I couldn't change other people, let alone help them if that was not what they wanted, I looked inside myself.  I am now at my happiest despite the little things I'm currently working on to change in my own life.  There's no need to hold a grudge, to hate, to worry.  If something's going to happen, then so be it.  You have the power to change yourself, your clothes, maybe the toilet paper roll, but you can not change much else.  I've seen it happen all around me. 

So, whatever your mantra is, whatever your situation in life/love/pursuit of anything is, say it and do it with happiness.  Not everyone can be happy all the time, but if everyone forgot about their worries and kept on truckin towards their goals I think the world would be a much happier place at the very least.

So keep calm...and have a cupcake.  (Those always make me happy!)
Speaking of which, I stumbled across a lovely cupcake truck called Iced Gems parked outside the Bagby building on Fleet St. at noon every single Friday.  Last Friday, I splurged and got a half dozeen of a mix that included turtle, chocolate lava, elizabeth (a must try), and some others.  I know what you're thinking and NO, I DID NOT EAT ALL 6.  At least not in the same day.  The sweetheart of a server assists with a smile that makes you want to visit her every time (or maybe it's the quality and display of those cupcakes).  Either way, go check them out!!/pages/icedgemsbaking/112386495452321

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